

When I spotted this chart on the wall in Mr. Decker's 2nd grade classroom, I smiled. Mostly because I remember similar charts decorating the beige walls of my own classroom just last year. I smiled not because it was so "fancy" or because it had earth-shattering content, but because of its simplicity and the deep and ongoing conversation it represents. He explained that although the original chart was made during their "Building A Reading Life" unit, the students had added the post-its as time went on and their learning grew. Not only does this chart "anchor" the students and Mr. Decker in what should be happening during independent reading, but it also reminds everyone of the purposes for reading and strategies to use as well.


What a treat it is to visit a classroom that is a true Reading Community! This is what I found when I sat down for a few minutes with Mr. Andrus (4th Grade @ PV) Besides the amazing oppurtunities his students have had to skype with various authors, they find themselves daily surrounded by wonderful literature, fellow readers and a teacher that is a true lover of books. One of the ways Mrs. Andrus fosters this love of learning and reading is a positing books with space for students to record their names when they have read the book and therefore joined the "club." His students refer to the lists when looking for new titles and ways to connect with one another!


I LOVE seeing learning targets up! This is the first thing students saw at the beginning of this 10th grade English class today! Making our goals visible increases engagement, self reflection and achievement!

WE CAN....

Prairie View First Graders can.....choose an interesting book! This classroom not only has the I can statement displayed, but they have displayed the proof of student mastery! Great idea from Student Teacher, Oona Myhre!


While over at Cedar Ridge I learned about one way that 5th grade teacher, Katy Anderson, is using her parent volunteers to support the Reading Workshop model. She drafted the below note to give them as an explanation of how their time would be spent. Her hope is that having someone else monitoring some of these things will free her up to focus on small group instruction. Great idea Katy!


While at Forest Hills the other day, I was reminded of a great resource. Cyndi Eldridge and her 4th Graders have incorporated YogaCalm as a part of daily schedule! I used this in my elementary classroom for 5 years, and it was an amazing way to have a movement break and teach my students about being in control of their own bodies and muscles. I was glad to hear that these 4th graders found it helpful too, their YogaCalm agreements poster was proudly displayed at the front of the room and it sparked a thought to share it with all of you!


Gotta love these book boxes full of books and dictionaries! These 6th Graders at Eden Lake are off to a good start Building a Reading Life!

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